Sunday, February 13, 2011

MOYASHIMON ~ Another New Title Added! ~

So I've added "Moyashimon" to my list of J-Drama that need to be seen! I've seen part of the anime (not all of it yet) and it's cute!

Oh and I want to add "Shinsengumi PEACE MAKER" also, but there aren't any subs out for it yet... -tear-

Ah well, you know me, I love J-Drama that's based off a manga or anime, and "Moyashimon" certainly is!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge

Didn't know they made a drama for this!!!

I loved the anime, hehe.

Sooo... I've added "Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge" aka WALLFLOWER to my list!

Edited Some Things

I edited a few things on the side bar... just to kind of let people know what movie's I'd watched so far, now things that are completed are in light green text! If it's a series with episodes, it'll say how many eps I've seen at the end like (12/12) or something.

I also updated my completed Anime count on the sidebar too.

I haven't been watching much Drama lately... though I think I'm gonna start one tonight... don't know... I'm just so damn sleepy atm...